Thursday, September 1, 2011

Bambusa lako – Timor Bamboo

Bamboo is one of those misunderstood plants that many people love but are often afraid to plant in their gardens. Granted, a running bamboo left to freely roam without the use of barriers can get out of control rather quickly, but many gardeners are unaware that the clumping varieties of bamboo don’t pose this threat. That being the case I don’t think there is a more dramatic clumping bamboo than the awe-inspiring Bambusa Lako. Native to the island of Timor, it can grow up to 70 feet tall (21 meters) with culms over 4 inches in diameter.  When mature the culms are glossy black with randomly placed green stripes. This is a rapid grower with short branches and big long leaves. Due to it’s size and it’s love for warm climates it is best suited for large tropical gardens but it won’t spread and take over a yard. If you find this rare plant for sale it likely won’t be cheap but it is well worth the investment.You’ll thank me later.

Bambusa Lako Quick Facts

Overall Shape – Tall vertical culms that droop slightly at the top
Height – 20’ to 70’
Spread – clumping
Growth Rate - rapid
Exposure  - full sum
Soil - Can tolerate most, Moist loamy soil 
Hardiness – to 25F

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